Chris Griffin – What is Trust?

Chris Griffin – What is Trust?

2024 Talks

Event details

  • Track 1
  • 2024-10-25
  • Friday, 3:00 PM to 9:27 AM

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Chris Griffin – What is Trust?

Track 1

Friday, 3:00 PM to 9:27 AM
October 25, 2024


Chris Griffin – What is Trust?

Track 1

Friday, 3:00 PM to 9:27 AM
October 25, 2024


The OSSTMM has long-held views about Trust and working Trust metrics. There is no guesswork here and no marketing jargon. We take a scientific approach and have a large group of security experts from around the world involved in creating a leading security methodology.
The OSSTMM dedicated a whole chapter to Trust before 2010 and it has stood the test of time. Nothing in the coming OSSTMM v4 backtracks on its views but has expanded them as more scientific data has become known.

While Zero trust has become a huge industry buzzword it’s becoming well known as just that, a buzzword. It’s left with everyone being able to have their own interpretation which just hurts all of us and spends money that could be better used elsewhere.